Tuesday, 5 January 2010

New Year

I hate new year. Honest.
It's over-rated, the whole cycle of shit to start again and nothing but more acid bile to consider.
I think, why the fuck should I be considering anything? I'm young, I still have loads of time to be an obnoxious little bastard, so what's the point in worrying or even considering anything else?

I did realise, though, as I entered the new year, that this is my fourth decade and that made me feel old.

That wasn't the reason I then spent a few days vomming up my poor guts in bed though. I have a feeling I'm allergic to a certain pain killer, for I have only taken it twice and each time I spent 2 /3 days running a stupidly high fever, going hot-cold, not being able to drink anything, let alone eat anything and spewing up the contents of my insides. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't get so dizzy I couldn't see. That's the worst bit, I like having a good read when I'm sick. Still, I'll not use those pain killers again in a hurry.

I've decided I am such a lazy bastard that I need some structure, even if it's quite vague to fill my pointless existence. At the moment it has been procrastinate all day followed by a walk the dog. I'm going to aim to fill my days with something a bit more errr 'profitable' (in the self-worth sense at least) and make more of an effort with my French learning and pointedly do a bit of writing... even if it means me sitting staring at the blinking monitor for a few hours every day.

I did apply for three jobs today. Hmmmm, I hate stupid application forms.

Now I'm posting on my blog and listening to Rammstein... this is anything, anything to avoid the fact that I should be writing something worthwhile...  Oh cock.


Just Curious... said...

At least its partly productive. Just start writing, something will come.

I hate being sick its such a chore.

Moggie711 said...

I always have mixed feelings about New Year. For some reason I always wonder if I am going to be here to see another New Year. Truth is I am nearing fifty and I keep seeing them come in. This year was a miserable one - see my blog - and left me feeling even more pesimistic about 2010, that and the fact that we literally have no money and lots and lots of bills. Hey hum. JC and I are trying to make a pact to write more, I have managed a bit this week. So join our group and start emailing your weekly output even if you just end up throwing something together on Friday evening just to shut us up. It will be great to see you in 2010. Keep on learning the language you never know when it will help and if you apply for enough jobs the law of averages say you will have to get one.