Sunday, 7 December 2008

Creative Space

I was reading this article by Clive James where he talks about creative spaces and mentions the Eamonn McCabe's Writers' Rooms exhibition where, funnily enough, he has photographed the 'creative spaces' of writers. I don't feel like I confine myself to anyone space, but when or wherever I work, I dominate. I take over the space and it VERY quickly becomes a nucleur wasteland. A dirty bomb hits and my crap scatters about in rooms and rooms of rubbish. But it's all essential, I lead myself to believe, integral for me to come up with the perfect... whatever it is I'm doing, I have to have my piles of crap, where amazingly I seem to know where whatever it is I need is. I can't work with things packed away or neatly kept in boxes, I want the sprawling mess, so when I suddenly change my idea I can grab something else (whether I'm being arty - and it'll be random objects or writery, and I'll want a picture or books or whatever... ) but I operate in chaos and I'm not ashamed of it!

Saturday, 6 December 2008


I want fish fingers and baked beans in a soft white roll.
I want to feel the sauce splat out and dribble down my chin,
down my clothes that I just put on; clean.

I'm listening to Dolly Parton.
I'm listening to myself,
"That's all I'll ever need..."

I had a shower today,
but I didn't wash up the saucepan.
The ketchup curdled.

And I'm thinking,
I can't believe Vic got married today.

Another day...

So, it's another day gone. I think I should start a new blog called 100 Reasons to be Miserable (another good excuse to be dead). Not really doing anything makes me lose all focus, I can't centre on anything and I can't keep my attention on anything, so I feel completely unproductive...
Possibly because you are arsehole.
Yeah, but, at least I do have a job, I just have to wait for the paperwork, so it shouldn't be too long - after Christmas I'll be doing some graft...
What? Where you don't even get paid for the first four months, gee that will seem worth it. Not only that, if you even manage to stay engaged with it you'll probably be too tired to do any work that you enjoy or want to do, so again, you'll be unproductive. What a waste of time.
Fuck Off.
You have an excuse for everything, you can't just swear at me and hope I'll go away. I'm not a pathetic man. I'm not.
You're not, you're a bastard, leave me alone. I can do nothing if I want. I can do whatever I want.
Be the dole-monkey you deserve to be. Get up at 4 in the afternoon and then stay up into the early hours of the morning doing nothing at all, go to bed, wake up, go back to sleep. Eat in bed. Live in bed. die.