Saturday 25 July 2009

SOFA so errrrm, yeah, hadn't really thought this through...

COMING BACK TO NORWICH!!! BE THERE FOR A WEEK - EARLY HOURS TUESDAY MORNING (travelling all day and night Monday) The sofas have been delivered and I'll be collecting them with Seb.
WOOOOHOOO! PUB PUB PUB, so much I want to drink, I mean do! drink and do!

I am really looking forward to coming home, it's been a long time coming!

But, I have lots to think about and consider when I get there - like DO I WANT TO STAY?

Sunday 5 July 2009

Bloody Mozzys

I am peppered with bright red mozzy bites. I have finally put up the mosquito net over my bed, but it only covers my top half. This morning I had 9 bites from my knee to my ankle on my right leg, what a charlie uniform. CURSES.
I have some deet anti-mozzy roll-on, but want to find something more, urgh, organic...